AI PR Agency

Navigating the Risk-Opportunity Frontier of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries and transforming business operations. However, the integration of AI into business ecosystems poses significant risk to corporate reputation. Each of these issues affects business operations and provides an opportunity to communicate proactively and build trust with your key stakeholders.

7 AI-Related Risks to Corporate Reputation:

1. Cybersecurity Threats

Risk of sensitive customer data or proprietary information being compromised.

2. Opacity of AI Models

Lack of transparency about how AI functions can erode trust between  companies and stakeholders.

3. Ethical Concerns

The risks associated with embedded racial, gender, and ethnic biases within AI systems.

4. Disinformation

Reputational impact of AI systems that mislead the public can tarnish reputations.

5. Workplace Impact

Employees are voicing concerns about how AI will reshape job roles and organizational structures.

6. AI-Induced Crises

AI systems gone wild will require swift, strategic responses from humans to minimize damage.

7. Misuse of AI

Humans’ misuse of AI systems will also require rapid response (from humans) to solve issues and quell crises.

AI Media Network


PR Strategies to Communicate Your AI Story

Every new technology poses risks but also opportunities for business growth and transformation. The Actual Team is ready to help you successfully communicate your AI innovation narrative.

  • Crisis Readiness: Mitigate potential crises by ensuring your readiness to respond to any issue quickly and effectively.
  • No Hype News Bureau: Communicating openly and consistently to key stakeholders about how you are deploying AI technology builds trust and engagement.
  • Innovation Showcase: AI innovation presents a broad opportunity to communicate corporate strategy and technology leadership.
  • On-Point Commentary: Ensure your executive bench is ready to position the company as a pioneer in AI technology and usage.
  • Front-Footed Ethics: Lead the conversation on ethical, bias-free AI by highlighting your commitment to responsible AI practices.

Optimizing AI Digital Marketing for You

Actual Agency embraced the challenge of expanding Privacera's digital presence and crafting messaging for broader audiences. Leveraging thought leadership, media relations, digital marketing, and industry accolades, we swiftly propelled Privacera into the industry limelight. Our media strategy delved into current industry trends, offering unique insights from key Privacera executives. We maintained momentum through ongoing company announcements, highlighting growth, partnerships, and recognition. Complemented by a robust organic social media strategy driving events and tailored content, we fostered connections with journalists, establishing Privacera as a prominent voice in the data sector.

Pieces of
Increase in LinkedIn
An abstract representation of data analytics and growth with 3D geometric shapes and upward-trending arrows. The central focus is a laptop screen with a dynamic, blue, geometric network pattern from which numerous arrows ascend, symbolizing increasing data points or business metrics. Surrounding the laptop, translucent bar graphs and line charts rise, suggesting a positive trend in analysis or financial growth. The image conveys a sense of technological advancement and data-driven decision-making.

Communicate Your AI Narrative

We are ready to help you communicate to your stakeholders the significant upside opportunities of using AI within the business.

  • Efficiency and Innovation: AI technologies streamline operations, reduce costs, and fuel innovation, driving your business forward with efficiency and creativity.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Harnessing big data + AI to gain deeper insights and predictive analytics that enable smarter, faster decision-making processes.
  • Competitive Differentiation: Position your company at the forefront of technological adoption, distinguishing your brand in the marketplace as a leader in innovation and ethical AI usage.
  • Improved Customer Engagement: AI-driven tools that personalize customer interactions and will build stronger, more meaningful customer relationships.
  • Workforce Empowerment: Using AI to automate routine tasks allows your team to focus on higher-value activities, boosting morale and productivity. 
Close-up of a professional working environment, featuring a person's hands typing on a laptop keyboard with a stylus in hand, indicative of multitasking. Transparent, digital content blocks float above the laptop's surface, representing the strategic planning and creation of digital content. A smartphone rests beside the laptop, symbolizing the connectivity and multi-platform nature of modern content strategy.



You get seasoned PR/Comms professionals. No bait and switch.


We put it all together: PR + Content + Social + Digital


You want data-driven results, fast. We make it happen.

AI PR Services

Data-Driven Storytelling + Development

Seize your narrative. We delve deep to craft captivating brand positions, tales, and narratives, ensuring your brand stands out with a distinct and compelling value proposition.

Press Material Development

From compelling talking points and pitch notes to streamlined press releases, scripts, and media briefs, our press material development is designed to mold opinions, bolster thought leadership, and ignite impactful action.

Proactive Media Relations

For consistent, standout press coverage, we adopt a proactive, targeted 1:1 media engagement strategy. Bypassing the scattergun approach, we focus on crafting narratives that radiate a unique and compelling viewpoint.

Reactive + Rapid Reaction News Bureau

We're attuned to vital industry dynamics. Through "newsjacking", we seamlessly link your experts to current news trends, fostering spaces for insights and commentary. Our goal? Positioning your brand as the leading voice, go-to resource, and ultimate solution.

Influencer Engagements + Activations

Understanding virality's potency, we leverage our vast influencer connections to authentically amplify your brand. By engaging the ideal influencers timely, we craft exclusive experiences that enable organic brand resonance with your target audience.

Crisis Communications

Every organization faces crises. Our seasoned team crafts strategies and messages for optimal stakeholder communication during these times. We provide a sharp, unbiased voice, ensuring our client-partners address their audiences candidly and effectively.

Partnerships + Events

Trust in our expertise. Our creatives craft and execute standout brand events - from rooftop gatherings and live demos to press tours and brand collaborations. We bridge your brand to media, influencers, and fresh audiences with high-impact event activations.

Media Training

Master the art of interviews, anticipate queries, and convey your brand's essence. Our media training fine-tunes executives and top spokespeople to deliver the right message consistently.

Monitoring + Reporting

Leverage our bespoke dashboards and intuitive coverage books to track vital metrics such as reach, share of voice, and sentiment, ensuring you stay updated on your brand's coverage in real-time.

Client Experience

Get Started

1 - Schedule a Consultation

2 - We Analyze Your AI Risk-Opportunity Profile

3 - We Provide a Detailed Proposal with Costs and KPIs

Our Clients Love Working With Us

5.0 -  

"They became members of my extended team."

Thanks to Actual Agency's work, the client has achieved excellent media coverage and increased share of voice. The team establishes weekly status calls to ensure compliance with the deliverables. Moreover, they have great company culture and an impressive commitment to the client's success.


VP of Marketing Communications, Software Co

5.0 -  

"I always feel we have the A-team working with our account."

Since  Actual Agency joined the project, coverage and awareness have increased by 200%, much to the client's delight. The team is highly proactive, and internal stakeholders are particularly impressed with the service provider's vast technical expertise and engagement.


Petrus Loubser

CMO, Privacera