We didn’t want to keep you waiting too long! Here is the second half of the 23 industry thought leaders, business leaders, media influencers and innovative minds who we follow on a regular basis. If you need to be in the know and stay competitive, you should too.
12.) Ernie Johannson
Head of U.S. Personal and Business Banking, BMO
13.) Renaud Laplanche
Co-founder and CEO, Upgrade
14.) Alex Lintner
Group President Consumer NA, Experian
15.) Ben McLannahan
Markets News Editor, Financial Times
16.) Charles Moldow
General Partner, Foundation Capital
17.) George Popescu
Editor in Chief, Lending Times
18.) Nathaniel Popper
Technology Reporter, The New York Times
19.) Peter Renton
Founder, LendIt
20.) Peter Rudegeair
Reporter, The Wall Street Journal
21.) Denise Thomas
Co-founder and CEO, Apple Pie Capital
22.) Scott Tobin
General Partner, Battery Ventures
23.) Jeff Yabuki
CEO, Fiserv
That’s wrap on this edition; but the fintech industry is constantly changing, disrupting and being disrupted, so this list will change frequently. We promise to keep you updated, and if there’s someone you feel deserves a place on the list, hit us up!

As an agency that focuses on B2B Technology, the team at Actual Agency is ready to help you deliver media coverage, thought leadership and market-leading commentary about the impact of technology on business transformation. If you are looking for a B2B Tech PR agency that delivers results, contact the Actual Agency team today!